俱乐部2021 - 2022


Their success depends largely on the initiative and sustained effort of students who become club organizers and leaders. 除了获得发展职业的有趣机会之外, students who are active members of clubs experience leadership opportunities and learn the value of commitment. All students are encouraged to join a club and have the opportunity to sign up at the start of the school year during the Club Fair on Mountain Day. 我们鼓励希望成立新俱乐部的学生这样做, by consulting with the Dean of 学生s and securing a faculty adviser in advance of forming the club.


STudent 值得信赖的十大棋牌OB娱乐平台 RepresentativeS, or STARS, are ambassadors for the MacDuffie community. STARS share their MacDuffie experience and conduct campus tours with prospective families at 开放的房子, 招待会和其他特别活动.

当未来的学生来网络棋牌OB游戏平台十大排行参观日, 星星在图书馆迎接他们, 带他们去组装, 课程和午餐, introduce their friends and teachers and make their guests feel welcome in our community.

STARS是MacDuffie的声音和心脏. 鼓励所有年级的学生参与.


This club is comprised of students who enjoy math and competing with students from other schools. 数学天才 compete as part of the Western Massachusetts Mathematics League (WMML) comprised of about 20 schools, 独立的和公共的, 整个先锋谷.


The 关键的俱乐部, run by Sophie Stetson and Mariel Baez, is our school’s community service club. The 关键的俱乐部 interacts with both the school and local community through various drives though out the school year, 比如冬季大衣活动. 去年,关键俱乐部的体重为187磅. 为邻居提供食物,帮助邻居,以及其他项目. The 关键的俱乐部 believes in making our world a better place through these acts of service.


学校间斗智斗勇 is a team of students who appear on the public television program “学校间斗智斗勇”, where they compete with students from other public and private schools in the Pioneer Valley.  该竞赛测试学生在特定学术领域的一般知识.  MacDuffie students must qualify by passing a preliminary test to be members of this team.  然后,球队定期开会,为电视比赛做准备.


《值得信赖的十大棋牌OB娱乐平台》是网络棋牌OB游戏平台十大排行的学生办的报纸. 我们的目标是报道影响学校社区的事件和事件. “磁铁”的成员会拍摄照片,并就各种主题撰写文章, 比如食谱和运动, 并发表在磁铁的网站上.


还有磁铁乐队的成员, students participating on the 木兰 yearbook staff are the “journalists of the school” who are tasked with producing a year-long visual narrative focusing on a specific theme. We typically hold our initial meeting during the first week of school to determine our set theme, and then get right to work capturing images of great MacDuffie traditions such as Mountain Day and the fall play, 运动比赛, 以及网络棋牌OB游戏平台十大排行网络棋牌OB游戏平台十大排行中的典型一天. 在这个俱乐部里, 学生们了解到按时完成任务的责任, 创建和组织内容, 吸引观众, 在线研究, 品牌管理.


缪斯 is MacDuffie's literary magazine, showcasing writing and art from the MacDuffie community. It is overseen by student editors and staff and printed copies are available in the spring. 另外, 缪斯 oversees the costume contest in October and hosts numerous other contests throughout the school year.


The 酷儿直男联盟 is a safe space at MacDuffie for all sexualities and genders. 欢迎各方参与讨论, 工艺品, 信息会议, 视频群聊, 还有一些关于酷儿群体的活动. 如有任何疑问,请联系:

安杰丽卡·奥索维茨基(俱乐部领导人)在 aosowiecki2022@keroro-shop.com


Sophie Griffin(联合领导) sgriffin2023@keroro-shop.com


倡导包容性的多元文化学生组织, 同情, 理解与合作

倡导包容性的多元文化学生组织, 同情, 理解, 与合作, 也被称为MOSAIC, is a club dedicated towards upholding MacDuffie's diverse community and forwarding the voices of its students. Whether you're a dedicated social activist or just seeking educational resources on modern issues of racism, 性别歧视, 和恐同症, MOSAIC向所有愿意通过对话开始改变的人开放.


值得信赖的十大棋牌OB娱乐平台 NDEO student chapter is dedicated to bringing dance to the MacDuffie community. 作为全国舞蹈教育机构的分支机构, the goal of the chapter is to educate the community on the benefits and joys of dance for everybody, 无论是能力还是技能.


在这个俱乐部里, 总统, 副总统, and MacDuffie Chinese students will work together and host some traditional Chinese festivals like Spring Gala.


在这个俱乐部里, 你可以找到你内心深处的想法, 对思想和行为进行科学研究吗, 同时发现有趣的事情.
我们的目标:我们可以描述, 解释, 预测和改变行为,在愉快的时间学习不同的知识.


在这个俱乐部里, members will learn how to make Gundam models by the studying materials provided by the leader. 成员们将学习如何正确地切割零件和抛光零件. Another goal will be to watch videos about some Gundam masters’ works on Youtube. 自定义是高达模型制作中最有趣的事情之一. 如果我们有足够的空闲时间, club members can also learn some history and cultures that are related to Gundams.


Learn about Japanese Culture and go to dinner with club members at a Japanese restaurant once a month.


人们从过去中学习. Machine Learning is also about computers learning from data and making predictions based on its past experience.

在这个俱乐部里, we'll discuss the basic knowledge of machine learning and introduce some simple terms. We'll also introduce some fundamental instructions on how to write code and how to build and train your own neural network. 我们可能会使用Python作为我们的主要编程语言. 在我们的俱乐部讨论中,我们可能涉及到几个主题——图像识别, 图像生成, 攻击神经网络, 玩游戏, 等等.


欢迎来到潜水俱乐部! 在这里你可以了解关于水肺潜水的基本信息! 不幸的是, 出于安全考虑,我们不能去真正的潜水, 但这种经历可能会为所有参与者打开一个新世界.


作为一个女人俱乐部引起了人们对学校内外性别歧视的关注. We hope to inform people about issues in the community and to raise money for Women's Shelters in neighboring towns.


电子游戏 & 技术俱乐部, 我们教学生编程的基础知识, 使用tinker cad进行3D设计, 制作游戏的过程, 体验和玩我们学过的电子游戏.


The Harry Potter club is an epic gathering of Harry Potter fanatics from around the school. 成员将被分为四个学院之一, 一年到头, 他们将参加一系列以哈利波特为主题的游戏和活动. 除了, members will complete a few small 工艺品 while learning about spells and fantasy creatures that appear in the renowned series. 今年年底,学院冠军将会揭晓.


The 健身健身俱乐部 is defined as a registered student organization that exists to promote and develop an interest in general fitness, 营养, 体育活动, 以及更健康的生活方式. 俱乐部的重点可能是娱乐, 教学, 有竞争力的, 或者是基于其构成的这些类型的活动的组合. The club's aim is to raise money and fix and renovate our school's fitness center by the end of the school year.



网络棋牌OB游戏平台十大排行剧团是 国际戏剧协会这是一个庆祝与戏剧有关的一切的俱乐部. 我们将举行募捐活动, 会议, 和事件, 以及参加戏剧游戏和活动.


未来的企业家 is a business club for people who are interested in pursuing business and economic careers. This club will be the perfect fit for people who are planning to major in business in college or are just curious about the subject. 这个俱乐部的目标是组织几次募捐活动, 为社区捐款, 并安排相关的趣味活动.